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Our ambition at City of Rochester School is for pupils to develop self-confidence, independence and resilience through an engaging and holistic curriculum. This will provide the skills, life experiences and qualifications pupils need to participate successfully in wider society
Our highly experienced and dedicated team provides an ambitious curriculum that nurtures and challenges our pupils. Our aim is for pupils to be successful at City of Rochester School and for them to be equipped with the skills they need to lead purposeful and productive lives when they leave us.
We work collaboratively with families as an integral part of our service, recognising their central role in ensuring their children thrive at school.

City of Rochester School values focus on our motto of “Confidence. Resilience. Success.”
- Confidence – we value inspirational, aspirational and experiential learning inside and outside the classroom to develop pupils’ confidence.
- Resilience – we value participative learning that develops pupils’ thinking and social skills, enabling them to understand their autism and to develop resilience for life.
- Success – we value learning outcomes that are holistic and which measure and celebrate pupils’ success at school and improve their life chances.