Anti-Bullying at City of Rochester School
City of Rochester School is a happy and caring school where expectations of behaviour are high. We provide a safe, inclusive, and positive learning environment where our pupils can understand and express their feelings and respect those of others. We work together as a community with our pupils, parents staff, trustees and the wider community to share and enjoy our values.
In providing a safe environment for children, the school does not tolerate any form of bullying behaviour including repeated acts of discrimination. All acts of bullying are taken seriously and will be dealt with in accordance with our anti-bullying policy. As a school we are proud to take place in the annual Anti-Bullying Week as part of our Cultural and Diversity calendar. We provide a range of activities to raise awareness, promote a culture of inclusion and acceptance, and highlight the impact of bullying and the role that we all take in preventing it. This is supported with by our PSHE curriculum through which children learn the value of diversity, difference, and acceptance. Our pupil mentors support their peers and help ensure that our pupils know they are safe and can embrace their individuality.
The education and inspections act 2006 outlines several legal obligations regarding the schools response to bullying. Under section 89, schools must have measures in place to encourage good behaviour and prevent all forms of bullying amongst pupils. These measures are part of the schools behavioural policy, which is communicated to all pupils, school staff and parents.
All staff, parents and pupils work together to prevent and reduce any instances of bullying at the school. There is a zero-tolerance policy for bullying at the school.
The Anti-Bullying policy has been written in accordance with guidance, including, but not limited to:
DfE (2017) ‘Preventing and tackling bullying’
DfE (2018) ‘Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children in schools and
DfE (2018) ‘Mental health and wellbeing provision in schools’.
Anti-Bullying Week 2024 will take place from Monday 11th – Friday 15th November – coordinated in England & Wales by the Anti-Bullying Aliance; with the theme: Choose Respect. Odd Socks Day is taking place on Tuesday 12th November, with adults and children being encouraged to wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique.