Admissions Criteria
City of Rochester School is an independent, special school for children with Autism and associated complex needs and can accommodate 60 students between the ages of 5 to 18.
For children with either proposed EHCPs (Educational Health Care Plan) or a final EHCP, the Local Authority will consult with City of Rochester School for a placement whether as a result of a parental request or as a decision of the Local Authority.
If a place at City of Rochester School is considered to be appropriate following consultation, the Local Authority will name City of Rochester School on Section 1 of the EHCP. The child must have a diagnosis of Autism.
A request for a place at City of Rochester School must be made to the SEN Team.
Once the school has received the referral papers, the application is considered and, based on the papers provided, a decision is made on whether we can meet the child’s needs. Enquiries from parents/carers prior to this stage are welcomed.
A visit will then be arranged to meet with the child and their parent/carer.
Following this, a 6-week trial placement will be arranged to allow for a full assessment of the child’s needs to take place within our school.
At the end of this trial placement, if successful, a permanent place will be offered and agreed with the Local Authority.
Learn More
If you are interested in learning more about the school and its admissions processes or feel it may be the right place for a young person with autism, please click the box below to contact us:
City of Rochester School Admissions Policy
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