Uniform Policy

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All pupils are expected to wear City of Rochester School uniform, however there may be instances where pupils are unable or cannot wear the uniform, for example if the child has a sensory need/OT need or if it has been identified as a barrier in the EHCP. Every effort will be made to compromise with the pupil/parents and the school, for example a sweatshirt instead of a woollen jumper, or a polo shirt instead of a shirt and tie.
School uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging within the school community. These factors contribute to pupils’ wellbeing, removing the additional pressures of deciding what to wear and added stress of meeting the expectations of their peers.
Research has shown that when pupils wear a uniform, as well as gaining a sense of pride, schools often report improved discipline and concentration. Wearing a uniform, sets a boundary by placing a pupil in a “learning environment”. It helps them separate home and school life. Research has also shown that pupils feel it helps them to stay focussed when in lessons, keeping them in the school “mindset”.
School Uniform
What should pupils wear to school?
Pupils must wear school uniform all year round and in our school colours which are grey and navy.
For Key Stage 1 & 2:
A white polo shirt and grey jumper which bears the school logo worn with:
· grey trousers and grey, black, or white socks
· or a grey skirt or pinafore dress with grey or black tights or grey, black, or white socks
· black school shoes (no slip-ons, open toed shoes or trainers).
For Key Stage 3 & 4:
The grey jumper and navy blazer which bears the school logo worn with:
· a white shirt,
· our school tie,
· grey trousers or skirt,
· white, grey, or black socks,
· grey or black tights
· black school shoes (no slip-ons, open toed shoes, or trainers).
For safety reasons jewellery is not allowed, apart from small silver or gold stud earrings which may be removed during PE sessions. In addition, if the OT has recommended any sensory jewellery, this is also acceptable. Long hair should also be tied back with the use of hairbands or small scrunchies. Shorter hair can be secured with a clip.
School uniform is available from the following supplier. (Blazer and jumper with the logo and the school tie. Other items can be purchased more widely):
School Time:
Tel: 01634-831684
87-89 Highstreet
We have spare pieces of uniform in school and if any parents are facing financial hardship, we will do our utmost to support them with the purchase of items needed. This will be on a case by case basis.