Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Approach
At City of Rochester School we offer our pupils a bespoke education package that is matched as closely as possible to the National Curriculum. In addition, there is an experiential learning element which ensures our children are immersed in their learning programmes and the subject matter – this includes links to the outside world where pupils can connect with nature.
KS4 courses available
Each student is an individual and will learn at different rates and to different standards. While at City of Rochester School, our aim is for all KS4 students to achieve a pass grade in Maths and English GCSE (or equivalent) as a minimum. Some students will be better suited to other courses which have a more practical element to them – this could include BTECs or OCR awards.
Post 16 study programme and qualifications
All 16-18 learning programmes are individually tailored to the student’s abilities and goals. The 16-18 programme provides more focused goals and activities that students will be able to use in adulthood.
More about the City of Rochester School Curriculum
To request additional information regarding The City of Rochester School Curriculum and courses please complete the “contact us” form on the link below:
Experiential Learning 2023-2024
Guildhall Creed Outdoor Leisure
To complement our Learning means the World communication them Creed will provide weekly workshops which will encourage the pupils to communicate with each other whilst at the same time allowing them to take part in outdoor and adventurous challenges.
Royal daBASE
DaBase specialise in providing bespoke workshops which develop confidence, raise self-esteem and tackle challenging behaviour using creative arts. The result is fun and engaging music projects. We will be forming a music group, writing and then recording our own song which will complement our learning in music.
OpenView Education
OpenView Education’s mission is to empower students with the skills, knowledge and confidence that they need to stay safe and live successful, happy lives.
Jumpers Rebound Centre
To develop the students gross motor skills and core strength they will be taking part in trampoline sessions.Trampolining is a great way to develop skills and core strength. All pupils will have the opportunity to learn the basics of trampolining including jumps, turns and how to stop safely in a well-balanced position.
The Hub Challenge
The Hub Challenge incorporates over 30 different team building and problem solving tasks which the students tackle in groups, in a round robin style activity. Some of the tasks are more physical, whilst others are more logical, which allows the different strengths of the members of the team to shine. Designed to inspire the students to plan, communicate, work together and motivate themselves and others throughout the session, the tasks encourage groups to self-reflect at regular intervals.
Experiential Learning 2022-2023
Guildhall Museum and Great Leaps
To complement our Learning means the World “Lindow Man”, geography-based unit lower age classes will be visiting the Guildhall Museum. The children will learn that the Stone Age is separated into three distinct periods.The workshops will be delivered by a local historian, there will be a heavy focus on prehistoric collections. The children will explore concentrate objects and the workshop lead will take their understanding forward through discussion and sharing. The children will explore the museum during a break in the middle of the workshops. To complement our Learning means the World communication theme. Great Leaps provides weekly workshops to inspire, develop and deliver innovative and educational experiences, to support every individual’s ambition in reaching their full potential. Great leaps provide educational and mental health experiences using an outdoor setting.
Royal Engineers Museum and Mini First Aid
To complement our Learning means the World theme on conflict. The children will take part war themed workshops. Catapults at the ready
Zulu warriors
Paws, claws, and Whiskers
Turrets, Tracks and TanksTo complement our PSHE curriculum and life skills sessions the children will become qualified first aiders. Mini First Aid Teens is for children aged 11-16. This class enables them to deliver first aid if no adults were available. Teens learn to carry out CPR and deal with choking, deal with head injuries, burns, breaks, bleeding, asthma attacks and allergic reactions. This class meets the KS3 National Curriculum Requirements in England & Wales. The class is practical, lots of fun and involves lots of activities for the children to enjoy.
The Problem Solving Company
To complement our maths curriculum, providing hands on opportunities to apply maths skills, as well as opportunities to build on team work and communication skills.
The Problem-Solving Company will provide maths workshops. The workshops follow the national curriculum, using large resources to enable maximum participation and help encourage communication and team skills. As well as developing thinking skills, maths concepts and dialogue the maths activities will help foster a can-do attitude amongst students.
Chatham Dockyard
To complement our LMTW Land Ahoy pirates unit. The younger children will take part in pirate themed workshops:
Pirates Ahoy- Pirate role play
What’s in the bag?
Full Speed Ahead
Ready Aim Fire
To complement our Design and technology curriculum and LMTW conflict units. The older children will take part in the following themed workshops:
Full Speed Ahead
Take cover
Gun Deck Challenge
Rocket Squad
Beat Goes On
To complement our music and drama curriculum. The children will take part in drum/stomp style workshops.
The children will take part in the following weekly workshops:
· stomp style,
· samba drumming,
· boom whackers
· bamboo tamboo and junk percussion.
Cyclopark and Mote Park Watersports
To complement our PE curriculum and gross motor skills.
The children will take part in weekly sessions at the Cyclo park. They will enjoy cycling on the track and build on their cycling skills.
To complement our PE curriculum and gross motor skills.
The children will take part in weekly sessions at the Mote Park. They will:
· Kayaking/canoeing
· dragon boating
· Surfing or a repeat of one of the other activities whichever one they prefer.
Experiential Learning 2021-2022
Lower Grange Farm and Anna Outdoors
Lower Grange Farm will run for a 4-week block where upper primary pupils will take part in a range of different adventurous activities. Pupils will attend an offsite placement located at Lower Grange Farm, Maidstone. The aim for pupils is to engage with a variety of adventurous activities that they may not have experienced before. As well as focusing on Geography, PSHE and PE curriculum objectives, the experiential visits will help to strengthen the pupil’s confidence and resilience when faced with tasks. Lower Grange Farm is an adventurous outdoor and event centre
Anna Outdoors will run for a 4-week block for pupils from lower primary. Pupils will have the opportunity to attend Ranscombe Farm Reserve in Cuxton. The aim is for pupils to engage with the natural world and to link as many real-life learning experiences as possible in with our new school curriculum – Learning Meets The World. Anna Outdoors inspires and engages children to enjoy outdoor learning through the creation of innovative and inspiring workshops and activities. For Term 1 Anna has created a bespoke programme of Lottery Funded visits for the City of Rochester School.